Agile Acceptance Testing Days in Ghent

On Thursday 25th March we had a presentation at ATTD in Ghent, Belgium, about “Acceptance Testing with an agile remote team”, describing a test case resulting from the last project we developed. The event has proven to be really interesting as it has provided many different views on the concept of Acceptance Testing and at the same time it has given a lot of good hints about software tools like Cucumber and JBehave.

Keywords common to many of the presentations were “trust”, “self organization” and “automation”, basically recalling the Agile main principles. It was curious to see how the various presenters combined these concepts like bringing different recipes starting from the same ingredients.

One of the ideas that was highlighted across several talks was that of having the main focus on the “Why” both when discussing requirements and also when defining acceptance test cases. Often requirements from customers are taken as they are without any discussion on the real purpose that originated them. Having this purpose clear might give a hint on the way the requirement is specified or even help in finding another answer that could be economically or technically much easier to implement.

It was also interesting to know about Bletchley Park and the initiative aimed at financing it. The location was a major center of the British attempts to decipher messages encrypted with the Enigma machine. Now the place is a museum and there is a campaign for raising some funds in order to complete the refurbishment of some of its buildings.

The organizer of the conference Maarten Volders made a very good overall job and managed to create a very friendly setting enabling participants to network quite easily.

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